
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Not So Powerful Power Of Compounding

What is Compounding? Compounding to basically put it, is making your money earn you money. How? Compounding is the interest calculated on your initial principal (a sum of money) and also on all the accumulated interest it earned from previous periods. For instance, let's say you deposited at the start of the year Rs. 100 into your account which provides you an annual interest rate of 3%. By the end of the year, you'll have Rs. 103. For the next year, you'll earn interest on that new sum Rs. 103. The Power Of Compounding "Compound Interest is the eight wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it, and he who doesn't pays it." Compound Interest is a miraculous thing. It creates a chain-reaction by earning returns on your returns if and only if your money remains invested. Let's see a practical example. Here Earl opts for interest compounded annually, whereas Carl opts for interest calculated as simple interest. Particulars Earl  Carl 

A Guide To Girlfriend 101

If you're reading this, I assume you're in a mature relationship and not in a 6th grade hubby-bubby stuffs. And also there is a teeny-tiny bit of humour here. Gentlemen, we all know having a girlfriend can be a pain in the butt. There's certain things you ALWAYS need to keep in mind, certain things you ALWAYS have to do. It's not your fault that sometimes you forget stuffs, sometimes you're thinking something else, sometimes you don't know stuffs. But that's ok because you know you're a good guy, and you can always be better. Because women deserve better men .    Here's some stuffs from my experience that has helped me. From one bro to another, spreads the Bro-wisdom. I must tell you before you jump right in that some stuffs might not make sense to you, but trust me, this will work. Be honest: Yeah, honesty is like the butter on your bread, or the honey in your tea. If you're not honest with your girl, then kiss your butt goodbye, she's dump

How Fear And Anger Give Birth To Evils

How Fear And Anger Give Birth To Evils Fear can be a very misleading unpleasant emotion. It can lead people to take irrational decisions and harm themselves and others. People in fear are vulnerable, are easy to be controlled and manipulated. This exact thing is what figure-heads exploit. Let's go back to 1939, when Germany was dealing with the Versailles Treaty signed in 1919, a year later the end of World War I. The embarrassed German people were blamed for the cause of war and they had to bear the loss and compensate in entirety. They were already struggling from diseases, poverty and unstability. They were in fear for their economy, for their livelihood, for their identity in the world. They were angry, mad and frustrated. They wanted to vent their frustration. But at what? at whom? and how? Then came into power the greatest of evils, Adolf Hitler. Hitler blamed the Jews, blamed their presence, blamed them for conspiracies. The Germans, who already treated the Jews in their soc

We, The Blind "Nefolis"

We, The Blind "Nefolis" We say we love our country. We are very much proud about our independence, our sovereignty and our rich history, the oldest country in South Asia, the brave and ready-to-die-for-the-country people and other crap we say to blind ourselves. But I say we are not independent, we have no pride whatsoever and nationalism is almost non-existent now. Autonomous? We were ruled by Ranas. Oldest south Asian country? We were nothing but small little states fighting against each other till 1769, when someone thought enough is enough and unified all the states. Independent? We buy everything from other countries, and we're solely clinging on China and other developed countries for the kits to fight against this virus. Brave nationalists? We're not the only country with such bravery. This is heart-breaking but we have lost what was once the reason for our pride.  We have lost.   It sure used to be that way. We loved and died for our nation, men, women, childr

Maleficent Minds

     Let's say you robbed a bank, and you didn't get caught. No one saw you robbing the bank, there's no security footage, no one called the cops. You were like thin air, GONE. You were anonymous. Do you think you succeeded on your endeavour? Yes, if you're never going to use that money. No, if you're using the money. You'll get caught, not immediately necessarily, but eventually, because you didn't know how to use the illegal money you came into possession of.      You need to learn how to clean your money, in other words "launder your money". You have to show that the money came from legal sources so you can use them the way you want to. I'm going to simplify the art of money laundering to you. To simply put it, money laundering is to conceal the true illegal source of obtained money, typically by using various banks, businesses and investments. Money laundering consjsts of three steps – i) Placement ii) Transformation and iii) Integration. i