Maleficent Minds

    Let's say you robbed a bank, and you didn't get caught. No one saw you robbing the bank, there's no security footage, no one called the cops. You were like thin air, GONE. You were anonymous. Do you think you succeeded on your endeavour? Yes, if you're never going to use that money. No, if you're using the money. You'll get caught, not immediately necessarily, but eventually, because you didn't know how to use the illegal money you came into possession of. 

    You need to learn how to clean your money, in other words "launder your money". You have to show that the money came from legal sources so you can use them the way you want to. I'm going to simplify the art of money laundering to you. To simply put it, money laundering is to conceal the true illegal source of obtained money, typically by using various banks, businesses and investments. Money laundering consjsts of three steps – i) Placement ii) Transformation and iii) Integration.

i) Placement: First step is the placement of the money you obtained from illegal sources. This includes movement of the cash from its original source. The money is put into circulation in the economy. The money can be invested into cafes, restaurants, casinos, shops and other similar LEGAL commercial businesses.

ii) Transformation: The second step is to layer your money. This means to make your money difficult to be detected and traced back. In other words, transformation means making it difficult for the legal agencies to find that the money is illegally obtained. This can be done by converting the money you invested into monetary instruments or by purchasing some assets and selling them locally. This step can be repeated multiple times to make it even more difficult to trace back your money. Here, we can see involvements of foreign banks, payments between banks, loans, etc.

iii) Integration: Final step, integration. Now you bring back the money into the economy usually through banking systems. And thus, your money would look like normal business earnings. You may purchase properties, luxury cars, or simply deposit a certain sum of money daily, and prepare fake invoices to back it up. You may also give some for charity and be seen as a philanthropist in the society, to be a "Hero". Say you deposit Rs. 5,000 daily, that's Rs. 1,825,000 you can spend in anything you want and do not get caught, a year. Here is where most criminals make mistake, they get greedy and start depositing more on a regular basis. That would raise an alarm and next thing you know you're doing 20 years. 

    Now that you know how it works, you might wonder does Nepal have strong legal bodies to detect such money launderers and their ilicit money? Well not really, I know it's sad. I don't know how much money is laundered here each year, but there's definitely some ili-shit money circulating in the economy. And since you now know how it works, share the word so we can prevent happening of such in our nation's economy.

PS ─ I'm not a money launderer, nor do I have any sources that earn me ilicit money. 



We, The Blind "Nefolis"


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