

    A few months ago I stumbled upon something that would change my life, something all of us need to learn, something that needs to be taught everywhere, something so old yet so evergreen. That "something" is Stoicism. Stoicism is an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium, in Athens. Stoicism is a philosophy teaching disciples to endure hardship, pain and struggle without any emotions or any complaints. Stoicism, in my opinion, is the right thing to learn to take control of yourself.
Zeno of Citium

You may ask what's Stoicism got anything to do with being alpha. We will get there, I'm just laying out the foundation to explain how I got myself into being "Alpha". What Stoicism taught me was to stay calm, stay cool at every given situation because staying calm is most alpha-like thing a person can do. Not only does staying calm helps you think clearly, it also prevents you from making immediate actions or decisions which might turn out to be stupid or harmful. Stoicism also teaches to never complain. Complaining is whining, whining is crappy. It doesn't help ever. Either you get your stuff together, or you just don't care for it at all (not caring is not alpha-like, so basically you just have to get the stuff working together). With this virtuous knowledge, a Stoic has to help the common good, by teaching, or leading or doing something for their welfare. Because a Stoic is rising for the work of humankind. He ignores what others are doing, what opinions other people have. His reality is made by his own opinion.
Larry & Squidward
   Now what's the link between Stoicism and being alpha? Let me clear up first, by being "alpha", I don't mean being blinded with masculine-superiority, flexing your muscles all over the place, manspreading your balls out or any of the stereotypical stuffs. By being alpha, what I mean is being someone whom people can trust, people can lean on. Just to clarify, this is what I mean:
  • An alpha is a confident, kind, generous and compassionate person.
  • He takes care of things, he doesn't let any stones unturnt. He doesn't run away or hide from his problems, he faces them, and decides what to do, does it and then doesn't show-off or complain the result.
  • He knows how to communicate sentiments and emotions, but doesn't make decisions based on the emotions and sentiments he is having, because he knows that such emotions don't last for long but wrong decisions last forever. He knows regrets are the worst thing in life.
  • Just because he doesn't complain doesn't mean he is not annoyed or irritated or he doesn't have any problem with anybody. He does. He explains and forwards his request, his words are final. If he doesn't get what he wants, he will create a mutual beneficial situation.
  • He doesn't have time for illogical, non-sensical stuffs like gossip and talking behind someone's back. He is loyal.
  • He is ambitious, visionary and goal-oriented. If it doesn't value him towards goal-achievement, it doesn't belong in his life.
  • He is disciplined, he controls his mind and body, and not the other way around.
    Stoicism, more or less, teaches us how to become the modern alphas. This thought really got me interested on various stuffs like family, relationship, ambitions, hardships, etc. I'll be writing about this later on too as I dive into this stuff more deeply. 

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