A Much Needed Skill In Today's World


    Have you ever been in a situation where the other person you're talking with just doesn't listen? Have you ever been in an argument where the other person just doesn't understand? Of course, you have and GOD I've been in many. I kept wondering why is it so that the other person doesn't agree with me although I stand correct.

    The secret here was, is and always will be listening. Let us think. When was the last time that we genuinely listened to someone? When was the last time that we listened to understand and not to reply? When was the last time you listened with your heart and your mind? If you're like me, then it was probably never. Now with age and experience, I have realized that listening is the wisest, most effective and the kindest tool to use when negotiating or making a point to a person. 

    It's paradoxical that when you listen more, people tend to listen to you even more. When we listen more, there is a connection, a spark, a combustion of understanding. Understanding each other leads to seeing things in different perspectives. And that my friend, makes you wiser and a bit more compassionate towards other human-beings. You'll start understanding why is it so that the other people do things they do and the way they do it even when it sounds funny or stupid or weird to you. Seeing things in different perspectives is beautiful, is what life is really about if you think about it. Don't you want to get outside of the box that you're living in? Yes, then listen more. Be compassionate, be kind, be generous and be more understanding.

    I truly think that if we take some time and listen to what the other side has to say, take their emotions, feelings and their perspective into consideration, we can always make out a win-win situation, we can always win the person's content. If we argue, make strong points, make the other party look stupid, we will definitely win the argument, but we will lose the most important thing that is CONSENT. An act done in consent is not just an act, but a commitment. How do we win consent, you say? By listening, and negotiating a win-win deal. I believe there are no issue that can't be resolved if we practise listening more.

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