
Showing posts from May, 2020


Alpha     A few months ago I stumbled upon something that would change my life, something all of us need to learn, something that needs to be taught everywhere, something so old yet so evergreen. That "something" is Stoicism. Stoicism is an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium, in Athens. Stoicism is a philosophy teaching disciples to endure hardship, pain and struggle without any emotions or any complaints. Stoicism, in my opinion, is the right thing to learn to take control of yourself. Zeno of Citium      You may ask what's Stoicism got anything to do with being alpha. We will get there, I'm just laying out the foundation to explain how I got myself into being "Alpha". What Stoicism taught me was to stay calm, stay cool at every given situation because staying calm is most alpha-like thing a person can do. Not only does staying calm helps you think clearly, it also prevents you from making immediate actions or decisions which might

A Much Needed Skill In Today's World

    A MUCH NEEDED SKILL IN TODAY'S WORLD      Have you ever been in a situation where the other person you're talking with just doesn't listen? Have you ever been in an argument where the other person just doesn't understand? Of course, you have and GOD I've been in many. I kept wondering why is it so that the other person doesn't agree with me although I stand correct.      The secret here was, is and always will be listening. Let us think. When was the last time that we genuinely listened to someone? When was the last time that we listened to understand and not to reply? When was the last time you listened with your heart and your mind? If you're like me, then it was probably never. Now with age and experience, I have realized that listening is the wisest, most effective and the kindest tool to use when negotiating or making a point to a person.       It's paradoxical that when you listen more, people tend to listen to you even more. When we listen mor

The Fear Of Mediocrity

The Fear Of Mediocrity     There is something  I fear more than anything. I see it all around me. It troubles me. That thing is mediocrity, or being average. And this trepidation drives me all day, every day, every second and every time. This fear is what pushes me.     An average person lives a very average life. I can describe the lives of such people. There's this man whose name is Carl. Carl wakes up at 9 AM after snoozing off his alarm for the 6th time. He lazily gets up with no motive, freshens up and then has his breakfast and heads off to work. He doesn't want to go to college in the first place, but he goes anyway because that's what the society is telling him to do, because that's what is expected from him by the society. He spends his most sorrowful 8 hours in college, then returns home. After reaching home, he loosens his tie and relaxes on the couch with a beer, hopping between channels. He gets on his social media, watches videos, reacts on memes, stalks